Sure, it's a few days away but I've got to ask, do these 37 years make me look old.
Man, I'm going to be 37.
What's happening?
Micah, my son, just turned 10.
That is scary enough.
I guess I started thinking a couple of weeks ago about how I am going to be 37. In my mind, I never figured I'd make it to 74, so I thought about how I may be half way done with my life. Yeah, pleasant thought. So I started to think of all the things I've wanted to do before my time was done. This was the list I came up with on Facebook:
1. Be a better dad. Less computer time, more reading time.
2. Finish my BA. Find the money to do so.
3. Get that Challenger program up and running with Steve Bailey up at North Rialto.
4. Get involved with Children's Ministry.
5. Be a better umpire. Go to umpire school.
6. Go see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat live.
7. Stop procrastinating, some.
I've since added one more in my head -- Take part in National Novel Month. I have a story in my head. I have the outline. I told the story to my kids last year at Christmas and they enjoyed it. So I have been starting to do some research to give some legitimacy to the novel. They say outlines and notes are encouraged. They don't want the story already told though. My problem is the story is a familiar one taken from a different view so the ending is known already. The journey is going to be the adventure.
#1-- I have been working on it. I am still not as successful as I want to be but I have been working on it. It is better and always on my mind.
#2 -- Haven't started looking at it yet.
#3 -- I started making calls today. Talked to Western Regional. Talked to the city of Colton. Looked at a map for some fields and have some ideas. Our original idea of Rialto Western isn't going to work since Rialto Pony uses the field now. Saw a couple places in Rialto and Bloomington which may be appropriate also.
#4 -- I'm working at it. I'm teaching Sunday School. This Sunday, I am doing a baptism at our church for one of the kids in my Sunday School class -- the first baptism at our church since our family has been going. I was really surprised when Pastor Albert asked me if I would do it. Really, really surprised. But really happy too. I'm looking at the doors that God is opening at Palm and outside of Palm, especially with the Little League stuff -- a chance to meet people who need to know Jesus and an opportunity for me to be that example.
#5 -- I signed up for umpire school, February 11-17, 2012. Looking forward to in immensely. I am really going to have to start a workout program so I am in umpire shape in February instead of waiting until the new season and getting into umpire shape 3-4 weeks in.
#6 -- Haven't really looked into it. If it comes up somewhere, I'll look into it but it's not really a high priority right now.
#7 -- I'm working on it... mostly tomorrow.
So #8 is the novel. I'm thinking and reading and researching. November should be a fun month.
I've also joined the church softball team. We had a double header on Sunday night after AWANA. Getting to know a bunch of the guys at church in a different way. It was interesting though. I haven't played softball since I worked at Safelite some 10 years ago. I wasn't very good. So I wasn't expecting much on Sunday. Well, I ended up going 8-9 in the double header (the one out was the last out of the second game.) I played a pretty decent first base. One of my hits was a bomb to dead center that went over people's heads (second game.) From then on, they were scooting everyone back when I came to bat, so I sprayed the ball to the games, mainly on the right side of the field. It was fun. I should have had a triple on that blast but I'm not in umpire shape, much less run out a triple on a blast shape, so I made it halfway to third and turned around to get a double. At one point I slid into second quite ugly and scrapped up my calf and knee. The field burn is quite ugly. Like I said, though, I am not in softball shape so I have been sore for 2 days now. Have to start stretching and getting into better shape. Let's make that one #9.
Am I doing too much at one time? Probably, but I feel that I need to make up for lost time, that these aren't just my dreams that I concocted on my own but feel they are passions and desires that are God-given and will bring Him glory. That I must keep in mind when striving for any dream (thanks Doug.)
So, 37. Yeah, I'm getting years. I'm no spring chicken, but as a wise man once said, youth and exuberance is no match for age and treachery. Time to treacher on.