The Family

The Family
The extended family

Thursday, November 13, 2008

7 random things and my wife wants me to make them things she doesn't know

Ok, so my wife 'tagged' me on her blog with this:

So I'm supposed to give you 7 random things about me.

Ok, not too hard... or is it. Random things about me. And to make it worse, my wife wants me to make them things she doesn't know. Wow... talk about a daunting task. I guess there has got to be some history, some likes, and some actions.


1. Somewhere at my parent's house I have a collection of machetes (ok, it's 3). I got one really nice one in Jamaica with a nice wooden sheath and 2 from Honduras that are generic. In Honduras, I thought I would share my love of machetes with everyone and so I bought little wooden machetes for everyone who supported me to go to Honduras.

2. When I was in Jamaica, I had pistachio ice cream almost everyday. Of course, I was about 100 lbs back then, so it did me no harm. Man, I miss my metabolism.

3. During the summer between my 6th grade and 7th grade years, my brother and sister were in year around school so I was by myself. My best friend went back to New Hampshire to visit his dad, so I was pretty much all by myself. I spent the summer eating chicken noodle soup, raisins and playing "Santa Marina" on our TRS-80 model 3 computer. K-Lord was new around this time so I was listening to them off and on except they were playing "Oh, Happy Day" once an hour, so it got old pretty quick.

4. I once spent $200 hiring a taxi to take me from San Diego to my parent's house for my dad's birthday party because I didn't feel like waiting 12 hours. I just got paid so to me, it was no big deal. I just have to get out of town in my mind. My parents thought I was crazy.

5. My wife knows this. I never finished a book while I was in High School. Let's take Lord of the Flies, for example. I read everything but the last two chapters. We discussed the last two chapters so much in class that I didn't feel like I needed to finish it. Same thing with Hamlet, MacBeth, Romeo and Juliet and Huckleberry Finn. I loved them all, but never finished them. I guess I just wasn't too curious as to how it ended, or maybe it was I didn't want the story to end and so it continued in my mind because I never got to the end of the book. I'm guessing I was just lazy.

6. I am starting to do some real leg work to write a children's book. 2 days so far -- but 2 days are 2 days further than I was 2 days ago. If you want to follow along, here's the blog to track my work: It's called, "My Journey into the World of Children's Literature." Let's see if I have the dedication to keep it going.

7. While my wife is a book person, I am a movie and TV person. My current show is HEROES. I'm majorly geeky into it -- into the online comics, the online community, and the online game. I like taking part in the group effort to solve the puzzles. I got really into what is called and "ARG" (Alternate Reality Game) back a few years ago when a really good ARG was introduced at the unforums at based on the Matrix -- one of my comfort movies. My comfort movies are:
  • The Matrix trilogy
  • Shawshank Redemption
  • Cars
  • Rudy
  • The Princess Bride
  • Major League
  • Groundhog Day
  • Ferris Bueller's Day Off
I can watch these over and over again when I'm alone. I like them. They are my books for the lazy :D

Ok, there's my 7. I think 5 of them are new for Trina, but what was she expecting. She gave me.... nothing new :)

1 comment:

Supermomie said...

Ummm...2. Not that #3 surprises me, I just didn't know the video game. I think you didn't tell me about #4 because you didn't want me to declare you a complete idiot when it comes to money. Still, it doesn't surprise me. Money management has never been one of your strong points. Love ya!