The Family

The Family
The extended family

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hurry up and Weight

Well, my parents, sister, wife and I have started a... contest of sorts.  We all weighed in on Monday after Heroes (I was 285) and then came up with the goal to lose 50 each.  For every pound we lose, we put $1 in the pony.  For every pound we gain, we put $2 in the pony.  At the end of the time, we do a family activity to celebrate (probably not go out to eat.)  So I'm supposed to get down to 235.. which isn't too bad since I said 225 was my goal just days before.  Now to actually try to do something besides think about losing weight.

What is sad though is that my brother and sister-in-law were going to get into it also, but they suddenly pulled out.  Personally, I think my sister-in-law doesn't like hanging out with our family (although I know Joey doesn't like hanging out with the extended family too much so it doesn't surprise me too much.)  I miss my brother and think it would be cool for them to be in on this too but oh well.  

I need to start thinking about how to lose weight though... seriously.  I sit 8 hours a day for work.  I like being on the computer or watching football.   So it is a matter of getting up and doing something.  My son and I could do some running around a park/school at waaaaaay too early in the morning.  I could fix my bike and bike to church on the weekends, which would save us gas at the same time.  Of course, I could cut down my fast food consumption to moderation.  That would make my wife happy.

I guess I'll start with doing something with my son.  In the evenings, I get home after dark, so that won't work unless we go somewhere (during the winter).  During the spring, umpiring does help.  I should maybe play football with the youth on Wednesday nights.  

So... anyone have any suggestions to help a couch potato to get up and do something?

In the end... it's going to be about discipline and dedication.  Thanks God.  I don't want to learn those right now!  

1 Corinthians 9:26-27
Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air.  No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cutting down on fast food would help...and save money. That's what I'm trying to do...and working out at my new gym. Just started that though so can't tell you yet how that's panning out...
Good luck to all of you!